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01. Scenes from the Epic of GilgameshA I.Prologue.flac
02. Scenes from the Epic of GilgameshA II. The Journey to theForest of Cedar.flac
03. Scenes from the Epic of GilgameshA III. From Dawn toDusk.flac
04. Scenes from the Epic of GilgameshA IV. Lament on the Deathof Enkidu.flac
05. Scenes from the Epic of GilgameshA V. Apotheosis.flac
06. The Resurrection of the Soldiers.flac
Robert Saxton & The Resurrection of the Soldiers (2024)[24Bit-192kHz] FLAC .zip: https://url59.ctfile.com/f/32414059-1334700757-4645c4?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)