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Richard Galliano NewYork Trio-Ruby, My Dear
艺人: Richard Galliano
语种: 英语
唱片公司: Dreyfus
发行时间: 2005年08月23日
专辑类别: 现场专辑
by Scott Yanow
There are two types of accordionists in jazz: Richard Galliano andeveryone else. Galliano plays his instrument with the fluidity andlooseness of a saxophonist, the technique of a classical pianist,and the individuality of a singer. Few are close to being on hislevel. The Ruby, My Dear sessions find Galliano in New York,interacting with bassist
Larry Grenadier
and drummer
Clarence Penn
. While the intriguing repertoire includes a tango, a couple ofjazz standards (&Ruby, My Dear& and
Oscar Pettiford
's &Bohemia After Dark&), and a piece by
Erik Satie
, Galliano's five originals really showcase his playing the best,letting him stretch out over intriguing chord changes. RichardGalliano has made quite a few excellent recordings for Dreyfus;Ruby, My Dear is an excellent place for one to start in discoveringhis musical talents.
01.Ruby, My Dear
02.L' Insidieuse
03.Historia de un Amor
04.Bohemia After Dark
05.Gnossienne Nº 1
09.Waltz for Nicky
Richard Galliano New York Trio-《Ruby, MyDear》2005.zip