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本站作为音乐资源收集网站,我们不提供任何音乐的上传、下载、存储、播放,版权归属原发行公司,本站只是兴趣及技术研究对音乐介绍、磁力链接、云盘、及种子缓存网站进行自动化及智能化匹配,其它相关问题请联系我们 858582#qq.com

01. Rolling in thedeep
02. I'll bewaiting
03. Chasingpavements
04. Someone likeyou
05. Many shades ofblack
06. Set fire to therain
07. Make you feel mylove
08. Love song
09. Hometownglory
10. Rumour hasit
11. Right asrain
12. Turningtables
13. Melt my heart tostone
14. One and only
15. Coldshoulder
16. He wont go
17. My same
18. Don't youremember
19. If it hadn't been forlove(Live At The Royal Albert Hall)
20. I can't make you love me(LiveAt The Royal Albert Hall)