幽灵资源网 Design By www.bzswh.com
Class 声明
<% ''声明一个名为yh的类 Class yh Private yh ''类的初始化 Private Sub Class_Initialize yh="天涯风云" End Sub ''定义一个函数 Public Function yyh(a,b) yyh=a+b End Function ''定义一个方法 Public sub yyh1(stat) Response.write stat End Sub End Class Set myyyh=New yh ''定义一个名为yh的myyyh对象实例 response.write myyyh.yyh(6,6)&"<br>" mystring="这是天涯风云方法" myyyh.yyh1 mystring %>
可以把我们常用到的程序写成一个类,到时候就用<!--#include file="yyh.asp"-->来包含进来就行了,这给我们开发程序又提供了新的空间.
<% ''声明一个名为myclass的类 Class myclass Private a1,b1 ''类的初始化 Private Sub Class_Initialize a1=0 b1=0 End Sub ''定义一个属性 Public Property Let width(ax) a1=ax End Property ''定义另个一个属性 Public Property Let height(bx) b1=bx End Property ''计算两个属性值的结果,得到一个新的属性 Public Property Get area area=b1*a1 End Property End Class Set tianya=New myclass ''定义一个名为tianya的对象myclass的实例 tianya.width=50 tianya.height=60 response.write tianya.area %>
StrSQL="DBQ="+server.mappath("user.mdb")+";DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
Set conn=server.createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
Conn.open StrSQL
<% Class userclass Private id,name,content Private Sub Class_Initialize() '类的初始化,连接数据库 username="" usercontent="" end sub '以下设置类的几个属性 Public Property Let userid(vNewvalue) id=Cint(vNewvalue) End Property Public Property Get userid userid=id End Property Public Property Let username(vNewvalue) name=vNewvalue End Property Public Property Get username username=name End Property Public Property Let usercontent(vNewvalue) content=vNewvalue End Property Public Property Get usercontent usercontent=content End Property '添加记录 Public sub adduser() if username <> "" and usercontent <> "" then Set rs = Server.Createobject("adodb.Recordset") SQL="Select * From user" rs.Open SQL,Conn,1,3 rs.AddNew rs("name") = username rs("Content") = usercontent rs.Update rs.Close Set rs = Nothing Response.write "添加记录成功!" end if end sub '显示一条记录 Public sub showuser() set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from user where id=" & userid rs.open sql,conn,1,3 username=rs("name") usercontent=rs("content") rs.close end sub '编辑记录 Public sub edit() set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from user where id=" & userid rs.open sql,conn,1,1 username=rs("name") usercontent=rs("content") rs.close end sub '保存编辑 Public sub saveedit() set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from user where id =" & userid rs.open sql,conn,1,3 rs("name")=username rs("content")=usercontent rs.update rs.close Response.write "更新记录成功!" end sub '删除记录 public sub deluser() set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="delete from user where id="& userid rs.open sql,conn,1,1 set rs=nothing Response.write "删除记录成功!" end sub '挑战分页显示~~!! public sub list(n) dim page page=request("page") PageSize = n dim rs,strSQL,news strSQL ="SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id DESC" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open strSQL,Conn,3,3 rs.PageSize = PageSize totalfilm=rs.recordcount pgnum=rs.Pagecount if page="" or clng(page)<1 then page=1 if clng(page) > pgnum then page=pgnum if pgnum>0 then rs.AbsolutePage=page if rs.eof then response.write "<font color='#003366' class='3dfont'>没有记录!</font>" else count=0 do while not (rs.eof or rs.bof) and count<rs.PageSize with response .write "<table><tr><td> " .write rs("id")&" " .write "<a href=show.asp"&rs("id")&">" .write rs("name") .write "</a> " .write "内容: "&rs("content") .write "</td></tr></table>" end with rs.movenext count=count+1 loop end if with response .write "<table><tr><td> 共<b>" .write rs.pagecount .write "</b>页" for i=1 to rs.pagecount .write " <a href=list.asp"&i&">" .write i .write "</a>" next rs.close set rs=nothing .write "</td></tr></table>" end with end sub '类退出后,作清理工作 Private Sub class_terminate() If IsObject(Conn) Then Conn.Close:Set Conn = Nothing End Sub End Class %>
幽灵资源网 Design By www.bzswh.com
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幽灵资源网 Design By www.bzswh.com