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CREATE TABLE `members_sign` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '用户id', `days` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '连续签到的天数', `is_share` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否分享过', `is_sign` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否签到过', `stime` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '签到的时间', `atime` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '添加时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `index_uid` (`uid`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=162 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='签到分享表';
<"id = {$todayData['id']}")->save($data); } if($id or $save){ $score = $this->getTodayScores($data['days']); // 为该用户添加积分 addScore($this->uid,$score); $this->successMsg('已签到',array('score' => $score,'days'=>$data['days'])); }else{ $this->errorMsg('签到失败,请刷新后重试!'); } } } /** * 返回每次签到要插入的数据 * * @param int $uid 用户id * @return array( * 'days' => '天数', * 'is_sign' => '是否签到,用1表示已经签到', * 'stime' => '签到时间', * ); */ protected function getInsertData($uid){ // 昨天的连续签到天数 $start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 0:0:0',time()-86400))-1; $end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59',time()-86400))+1; $days = M('members_sign')->where("uid = $uid and atime > $start_time and atime < $end_time")->getField('days'); if($days){ $days++; if($days > 30){ $days = 1; } }else{ $days = 1; } return array( 'days' => $days, 'is_sign' => 1, 'stime' => time() ); } /** * 用户当天签到的数据 * @return array 签到信息 is_sign,stime 等 */ protected function todayData(){ $time = time(); $start_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 0:0:0',$time))-1; $end_stime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59',$time))+1; return M('members_sign')->field('atime',true)->where("uid = {$this->uid} and atime > $start_stime and atime < $end_stime")->find(); } /** * 积分规则,返回连续签到的天数对应的积分 * * @param int $days 当天应该得的分数 * @return int 积分 */ protected function getTodayScores($days){ if($days == 30){ return 50; }else if($days > 19){ return 8; }else if($days > 9){ return 5; }else{ return 3; } } /** * 显示签到列表 * * @param array $signDays 某月签到的日期 array(1,2,3,4,5,12,13) * @param int $year 可选,年份 * @param int $month 可选,月份 * @return string 日期列表<li>1</li>.... */ protected function showDays($signDays,$year,$month){ $time = time(); $year = $year "$year-$month-$j")); // 小于今天的日期样式 if ($someDay <= $now){ // 当天日期样式 tdc = todayColor if($someDay == $now){ // 当天签到过的 if(in_array($j,$signDays)){ $str .= '<li class="current fw tdc">'.$j.'</li>'; }else{ $str .= '<li class="today fw tdc">'.$j.'</li>'; } }else{ // 签到过的日期样式 current bfc = beforeColor , fw = font-weight if(in_array($j,$signDays)){ $str .= '<li class="current fw bfc">'.$j.'</li>'; }else{ $str .= '<li class="fw bfc">'.$j.'</li>'; } } }else{ $str .= '<li>'.$j.'</li>'; } } return $str; } /** * 获取当月签到的天数,与 $this->showDays() 配合使用 * @return 当月签到日期 array(1,2,3,4,5,12,13) */ protected function getMonthSign(){ $time = time(); $year = date('Y',$time); $month = date('m',$time); $day = date("t",strtotime("$year-$month")); $start_stime = strtotime("$year-$month-1 0:0:0")-1; $end_stime = strtotime("$year-$month-$day 23:59:59")+1; $list = M('members_sign')->where("uid = {$this->uid} and stime > $start_stime and stime < $end_stime")->order('stime asc')->getField('stime',true); foreach ($list as $key => $value){ $list[$key] = date('j',$value); } return $list; } }
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