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var myVar = "3.14159", str = ""+ myVar,// to string int = ~~myVar, // to integer float = 1*myVar, // to float bool = !!myVar, /* to boolean - any string with length and any number except 0 are true */ array = [myVar]; // to array
但是转换日期(new Date(myVar))和正则表达式(new RegExp(myVar))必须使用构造函数,创建正则表达式的时候要使用/pattern/flags这样的简化形式。
//字符型变量参与运算时,JS会自动将其转换为数值型(如果无法转化,变为NaN) '10.567890' | 0 //结果: 10 //JS里面的所有数值型都是双精度浮点数,因此,JS在进行位运算时,会首先将这些数字运算数转换为整数,然后再执行运算 //| 是二进制或, x|0 永远等于x;^为异或,同0异1,所以 x^0 还是永远等于x;至于~是按位取反,搞了两次以后值当然是一样的 '10.567890' ^ 0 //结果: 10 - 2.23456789 | 0 //结果: -2 ~~-2.23456789 //结果: -2
//JS本身时间的内部表示形式就是Unix时间戳,以毫秒为单位记录着当前距离1970年1月1日0点的时间单位 var d = +new Date(); //1295698416792
var arr =[].slice.call(arguments)
function test() { var res = ['item1', 'item2'] res = res.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)) //方法1 Array.prototype.push.apply(res, arguments) //方法2 }
(int).toString(16); // converts int to hex, eg 12 => "C" (int).toString(8); // converts int to octal, eg. 12 => "14" parseInt(string,16) // converts hex to int, eg. "FF" => 255 parseInt(string,8) // converts octal to int, eg. "20" => 16
var a = [1,2,3,7,8,9]; var b = [4,5,6]; var insertIndex = 3; a.splice.apply(a, Array.prototype.concat(insertIndex, 0, b));
var a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(3,1); //a = [1,2,3,5]
var ie = /*@cc_on !@*/false;
// 貌似是最短的,利用IE不支持标准的ECMAscript中数组末逗号忽略的机制 var ie = !-[1,]; // 利用了IE的条件注释 var ie = /*@cc_on!@*/false; // 还是条件注释 var ie//@cc_on=1; // IE不支持垂直制表符 var ie = '\v'=='v'; // 原理同上 var ie = !+"\v1";
var numbers = [3,342,23,22,124]; var max = 0; for(var i=0;i<numbers.length;i++){ if(numbers[i] > max){ max = numbers[i]; } } alert(max);
var numbers = [3,342,23,22,124]; numbers.sort(function(a,b){return b - a}); alert(numbers[0]);
Math.max(12,123,3,2,433,4); // returns 433
Math.max.apply(Math, [12, 123, 3, 2, 433, 4]) //取最大值 Math.min.apply(Math, [12, 123, 3, 2, 433, 4]) //取最小值
Math.random().toString(16).substring(2);// toString() 函数的参数为基底,范围为2~36。 Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
a=[b, b=a][0];
<h2>Great Web resources</h2> <ul id="resources"> <li><a href="http://opera.com/wsc">Opera Web Standards Curriculum</a></li> <li><a href="http://sitepoint.com">Sitepoint</a></li> <li><a href="http://alistapart.com">A List Apart</a></li> <li><a href="http://yuiblog.com">YUI Blog</a></li> <li><a href="http://blameitonthevoices.com">Blame it on the voices</a></li> <li><a href="http://oddlyspecific.com">Oddly specific</a></li> </ul>
// Classic event handling example (function(){ var resources = document.getElementById('resources'); var links = resources.getElementsByTagName('a'); var all = links.length; for(var i=0;i<all;i++){ // Attach a listener to each link links[i].addEventListener('click',handler,false); }; function handler(e){ var x = e.target; // Get the link that was clicked alert(x); e.preventDefault(); }; })();
(function(){ var resources = document.getElementById('resources'); resources.addEventListener('click',handler,false); function handler(e){ var x = e.target; // get the link tha if(x.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a'){ alert('Event delegation:' + x); e.preventDefault(); } }; })();
var _IE = (function(){ var v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->', all[0] ); return v > 4 "htmlcode">var JS_ver = []; (Number.prototype.toFixed)"1.5"):false; ([].indexOf && [].forEach)"1.6"):false; ((function(){try {[a,b] = [0,1];return true;}catch(ex) {return false;}})())"1.7"):false; ([].reduce && [].reduceRight && JSON)"1.8"):false; ("".trimLeft)"1.8.1"):false; JS_ver.supports = function() { if (arguments[0]) return (!!~this.join().indexOf(arguments[0] +",") +","); else return (this[this.length-1]); } alert("Latest Javascript version supported: "+ JS_ver.supports()); alert("Support for version 1.7 : "+ JS_ver.supports("1.7"));判断属性是否存在
// BAD: This will cause an error in code when foo is undefined if (foo) { doSomething(); } // GOOD: This doesn't cause any errors. However, even when // foo is set to NULL or false, the condition validates as true if (typeof foo != "undefined") { doSomething(); } // BETTER: This doesn't cause any errors and in addition // values NULL or false won't validate as true if (window.foo) { doSomething(); }有的情况下,我们有更深的结构和需要更合适的检查的时候
// UGLY: we have to proof existence of every // object before we can be sure property actually exists if (window.oFoo && oFoo.oBar && oFoo.oBar.baz) { doSomething(); }
其实最好的检测一个属性是否存在的方法为:if("opera" in window){ console.log("OPERA"); }else{ console.log("NOT OPERA"); }检测对象是否为数组
var obj=[]; Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)=="[object Array]";给函数传递对象
function doSomething() { // Leaves the function if nothing is passed if (!arguments[0]) { return false; } var oArgs = arguments[0] arg0 = oArgs.arg0 || "", arg1 = oArgs.arg1 || "", arg2 = oArgs.arg2 || 0, arg3 = oArgs.arg3 || [], arg4 = oArgs.arg4 || false; } doSomething({ arg1 : "foo", arg2 : 5, arg4 : false });为replace方法传递一个函数
var sFlop = "Flop: [Ah] [Ks] [7c]"; var aValues = {"A":"Ace","K":"King",7:"Seven"}; var aSuits = {"h":"Hearts","s":"Spades", "d":"Diamonds","c":"Clubs"}; sFlop = sFlop.replace(/\[\w+\]/gi, function(match) { match = match.replace(match[2], aSuits[match[2]]); match = match.replace(match[1], aValues[match[1]] +" of "); return match; }); // string sFlop now contains: // "Flop: [Ace of Hearts] [King of Spades] [Seven of Clubs]"循环中使用标签
outerloop: for (var iI=0;iI<5;iI++) { if (somethingIsTrue()) { // Breaks the outer loop iteration break outerloop; } innerloop: for (var iA=0;iA<5;iA++) { if (somethingElseIsTrue()) { // Breaks the inner loop iteration break innerloop; } } }对数组进行去重
/* *@desc:对数组进行去重操作,返回一个没有重复元素的新数组 */ function unique(target) { var result = []; loop: for (var i = 0, n = target.length; i < n; i++) { for (var x = i + 1; x < n; x++) { if (target[x] === target[i]) { continue loop; } } result.push(target[i]); } return result; }
Array.prototype.distinct = function () { var newArr = [],obj = {}; for(var i=0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){ if(!obj[typeof(this[i]) + this[i]]){ newArr.push(this[i]); obj[typeof(this[i]) + this[i]] = 'new'; } } return newArr; }其实最优的方法是这样的
Array.prototype.distinct = function () { var sameObj = function(a, b){ var tag = true; if(!a || !b) return false; for(var x in a){ if(!b[x]) return false; if(typeof(a[x]) === 'object'){ tag = sameObj(a[x],b[x]); } else { if(a[x]!==b[x]) return false; } } return tag; } var newArr = [], obj = {}; for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){ if(!sameObj(obj[typeof(this[i]) + this[i]], this[i])){ newArr.push(this[i]); obj[typeof(this[i]) + this[i]] = this[i]; } } return newArr; }使用范例(借用评论):
var arr=[{name:"tom",age:12},{name:"lily",age:22},{name:"lilei",age:12}]; var newArr=arr.distinct(function(ele){ return ele.age; });查找字符串中出现最多的字符及个数
var i, len, maxobj='', maxnum=0, obj={}; var arr = "sdjksfssscfssdd"; for(i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++){ obj[arr[i]] "在数组中出现了" + maxnum + "次");
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